Monday, February 7, 2011

Top 5 Reasons Why Clark Isaac Sucks!

Posted by GamingMutant On 4:16 AM 1 comments

Hello world and this is my first post on my all-new blog!
It's about Clarke know that guy from Dead Space.
Being the protagonist in one of the best selling games on every platform,
it's pretty heavy don't you think?
Well there is nothing "Heavy" about Clarke and his new adventure.
Here are the top 5 reasons we should all hate Isaac!

Reason No.5

He is way too bad with Necromorphs.
Okay, I know they are trying to make him and undead rotting corpse, but why that much hate?
Think of it...You have to stomp the poor dead thing to get ammo and health, after you have chopped it
Into pieces with your laser gun, make it explode with a mine or hit it with stasis and chopping it in slow motion.
Pick a choice...All pretty sadistic ones!
After all Isaac is a full-grown man and he can't behave that way to pathetic idiot monsters!
Has anyone accomplished anything using violence?
Except from Hitler, who almost destroyed the whole fucking planet, No! I mean for god’s sake it’s like stealing candy from a five-year-old!
These monsters are fucking stupid and they are walking funny.
I think Dead Space 2 promotes racism against handicapped people or something. We are all guilty about it…

Fat Geek #1
Yeah let’s kill some stupid-brain damaged-necromorphs tonight,it’s going to be fun!

Fat Geek #2
Yeah!!!Let’s kill handicapped monsters, it’s so funny!

Necromorphs have hearts too, you insensitive bastards!

Aren’t they cute? <3

 Reason No.4 

Isaac Clarke is a big pussy! Oh,yeah! Face it! It’s the truth and you know it. !!!Spoilers Ahead!!! On Chapter 13 Isaac locks Ellie to an escape capsule and let her go. What a foolish move! Isaac please stop the nice guy act,we all know what you’ve done to Necromorphs and other Space monsters. Letting Ellie go was like throwing away his ticket to return home! What he should have done: He should stick with Ellie and wait for the right time! When all the monsters pop out from the shadows(they always do that old trick) push her as hard as he can in the center of them He would have enough time to escape with the capsule while Ellie was getting decapitated by a really ugly space monster :)

A dream come true & fail photoshop.

Despite, he had the chance of getting away ,he didn’t.
That shows how brave is Isaac Clarke and how fucking stupid he is also!
You can watch the retarded action here:

Above:Homosexual part of the game.

Reason No.3

Okay this one proves how fucking stupid Isaac is…
He trusted a crazy person. Stross! Who in the earth would trusted Stross!
Look at the guy and tell me would you trust him?
Just look at his eyes...

Apparently NO! Even if you got alien monsters on your ass
You don’t trust him.Even his eyes are so cold a baby bear can
Feel the cold through it’s fur. The eyes of a killer right on your
PC/TV screen. Not the most pleasant picture…
A single-cell organism like Clarke couldn’t understand that so
Stross ended up plucking out Ellie’s eye with a screwdriver!!!
A fucking screwdriver!How sick is that?Moreover he tried to pluck
Isaac’s eye too with the same screwdriver that it had Ellie’s eye still on it!
What the fuck where you thinking Isaac when you trusted that man?
I know what. That you’re as stupid as hell.

Reason No.2

He is a Psycho…
Not only did Isaac believed and trusted a lunatic, we can see as the game progress that he is a lunatic too! He sees visions of his dead chick! That chick is very angry and bright light pops out of her mouth and eyes.
Seeing your ex dead girlfriend like a light bulb it’s not the best thing in the world, obviously something is very wrong with Isaac’s head.
Getting all emotional while you have a bunch of deadly, angry monsters hunting you it’s the worst thing in the world. Everybody knows that…It’s only normal when you have to fight powerful alien forces that you keep thinking of your ex dead chick, you see visions that make no sense and act like an emo all the way to the end of the game.
I’m Isaac and I’m very lonely, please help me get over my issues…SHUT UP ALREADY!I BOUGHT THE FUCKING GAME TO SEE SOME GORE AND NOT A LOW CLASS BRAZILIAN TV-SHOW!
How I Imagine the next Dead Space if the series goes on like that:

It's going to happen...

Reason No.1

He is a Jinx!
You have to agree on that one! C’mon!
Where ever he goes hell happens! The guy has an ex dead chick that is haunting him, he happened to be on a space ship full of monsters and survived to wake up in another space ship full of monsters! That’s not just bad luck, that’s fucked up! It also seems that he fell in love with Ellie and she ended up with one eye! He has also been blowed to space several times and have survived from big-ass monsters that are trying to chop him in half, how much more can he take?He even couldn’t crouch to get past by some lasers, that’s a sadist way to program things. Kill yourself Isaac what’s the point of living after all that you’ve been through…Sony got enough money from you already ;)

That’s all
Go buy dead Space it’s worthy of a buy or at least a rent ;)


......You are such a moron.

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