Monday, February 14, 2011

Top 10 Videogame Characters With Psychological Issues

Posted by GamingMutant On 10:06 PM 0 comments

Top 10 Videogame Characters with Psychological Issues.

Point Man (F.E.A.R)
Point Man is the silent protagonist of FEAR and FEAR extraction point expansion.
What you should have noticed if you have played any of those games is that, this man it’s, if not totally, almost mentally unstable!
Look at this guy!!He thinks his Jesus! He is some kind of boogey man with guns! Have he heard of the term “Shave”? I don’t think so…he looks like a dirty homeless guy from Brooklyn.
He also seems angry without a reason, he is like a Santa Claus that hates Christmas because he was getting beaten by God when he was a child…
You can clearly see what I mean…
Moreover you have to use this pile of shit to destroy a supernatural thing that looks like a girl and wants to destroy anything living on this planet.
Well good luck with that homeless Santa.

Alex Shepherd (Silent Hill: Homecoming)
Alex made his first appearance in Silent Hill : Homecoming and his an ex-soldier.
We all know from past (and future) videogames that most games have ex soldiers or war veterans that are haunted by some chick they have raped in Vietnam or the kids they have butchered in Iraq. Unfortunately that’s not the case with Alex Shepherd! We (the players) have to deal with Alex’s fucked up mind! He returns home from War and he notices that Silent Hill have changed a bit since he left…Of course it has changed! It’s a FUCKING GHOST TOWN! Where was he in 1999 when the first Silent Hill came out for the PSX…It’s a game about his hometown and he haven’t even played it!

It would have made things so much more easy for him and his mental sickness…
The whole game is about Alex searching for his disappeared brother Josh…Surprise! He’s younger brother ends up to be a giant fucking monster and the Alex is waking up in the hospital realizing that was only a dream…
In my opinion that wasn’t a dream, it was Alex’s mental sickness unfolding to our screens.

Michael Becket (F.E.A.R  2)
Michael Becket is the main protagonist of F.E.A.R 2 and he is a big fucking psycho!
First of all he is linked to Alma and her signal…Alma is the  “supernatural thing that looks like a girl and wants to destroy anything living on this planet”, that I was talking about when I was writing about Point Man.
He is linked to that thing…I mean with visions and all that shit…doesn’t this make it clear already? 
Moreover, not only he is seeing that awkward visions throughout the game, in the end his getting raped by her and she gets pregnant.
Even if he hadn’t been a psycho from the beginning, after being raped and got Alma pregnant he sure has some serious psychological shit going on…
And if you think Alma can’t be that bad…look at this:

Lucas Kane (Fahrenheit)
Lucas Kane is the main characters of the well known Fahrenheit or Indigo Prophecy game, and he is one messed up bastard!
The level of madness is so high ,on Lucas case, that makes well know serial killers look perfectly sane!
The game starts with Lucas seeing a vision, the next thing you see is you (Lucas) covered in blood after murdering some random guy in the toilet , everyone on the gaming community knew he actually raped the guy and then murder him but we didn’t have the proof...Until now!
Gaming Mutant Exclusive:

After you rape…I mean murder the guy you clean the mess up and leave the  coffee shop like a gentleman.
The next morning you wake up in your bed with blood stained sheets and you realize you have cut your wrists! You get the pictures…visions, murders, cutting your own wrists with a butter knife. The guy is a total psycho!
Even the game has a sanity bar and if it gets empty you commit suicide!

Max Damage (Carmageddon series)
Max Damage, was a Normal guy like you and me ,but after the nuclear blast hit him and the entire  world he changed. He knew (and we knew) he wasn’t the most handsome guy in the world ,but after that blast got him he turned really ugly and…red.
So because the world was destroyed, became a big pile of shit and almost everyone turned into zombies Max and his friends thought it would be nice to get in a car and run over fucking EVERYTHING! And I mean that! If you have ever played Carmageddon you run over zombies, humans, dogs, trees  even fucking cows!
Because Max became ugly everyone had to die. What the fuck man? Get a life! Run over innocent zombies will do you no good! Go find water, food and shelter!  That’s what normal people do when their planet destructs from nuclear war. But no you have to be the mad douche bag that wants to kill everyone because he became like Barbara Streisand!

Ethan Thomas (Condemned 2 : Bloodshot)

Ethan Thomas after resigning from FBI, he founds he self homeless and alcoholic, on the top of that he is seeing awkward visions and he doesn’t have self control! What a combination… it seems that luck has been a real bitch for Ethan.
The guy is mentally ill, even the developers tend to show this throughout the game, he needs alcohol to keep the engines running, he can’t even shoot straight if he haven’t had his daily booze! Ethan is a psychotic mess and it sucks!
The conclusion. Ethan’s working environment was too stressing for him.
Jack (Madworld)
Jack is a cool character, I personally like him, and he has an arm with a build in chainsaw on it for god’s sake!
But I can’t deny the fact that he is one crazy motherfucker. The way he kills people is sadistic, even for a game with no colors! Jack kills his opponents with horrible ways just to be a show off! You have a giant chainsaw attached to your hand! Use it to cut people , not to make fun of them while they are dying! This guy rip their hearts apart!

That’s a big mental issue and it proves that he has a small penis inside his pants.
Kratos (God Of War Series)

Kratos is the anti-hero type of character, but in my opinion he is a deeply depressed and an unstable character. He killed his own family , even if it was an accident and in my opinion Kratos may be kick-ass but he is evil.
He have killed the Gods of Greece, Heroes of Greece, Titans and anything that stand between him and his revenge! He sure got issues! He only kills because he wants to take his personal revenge and while his taking his revenge the world is being him.
Well done Kratos, you’re such a big boy…Get a girlfriend or something looser! You don’t even have a real tattoo…You look like you have applied Halloweens corpse paint all over your face!
Moreover he likes to kill Greek mythological creatures in brutal ways and use unnecessary violence.

Postal Dude (Postal Series)

Postal Dude is the best videogame character since Duke Nukem and you know it!
Even if he is so cool he has a tone of psychological problems and for that you have to blame his wife and the entire society.
For those who haven’t played Postal  series, it’s one of the most controversial series in the world!
You live in a shithole called Paradise and you have to do simple quests for  your pathetic, fat wife like buying milk, go to the bank, get an autograph from a midget(!).
As you can imagine living like that makes you hate life in general! So the Postal Dude is going Postal and decides to change his luck by killing anyone that will stand between him and the exit of the city!
But that doesn’t mean that you have to be a complete asshole and use a cat as a gun silencer!

Or massacre any innocent people that stands your way because buying milk proved to be a little more difficult than usual today! Postal Dude sure has to put his shit together!

No.1 (Drum roll)
James Earl Cash (Manhunt)

I’ve seen some fucked up minds in my gaming experience, but that dude has lost it before you even start the game!!
The executions in Manhunt are beyond understanding! Why so many violence? Just why?
Okay , I understand that you’re being chased gangs , because there is a price on your head, but why do you have to hate them like that?
Smashing someone head with a bat because he is doing his job? He is a fucking gang member! Of course he is going to attack you, you don’t need to smash his head into tiny little pieces Mr. James Cash! Or drill his skull, or choke him with a plastic bag, or repeatedly stab him in the face with a broken glass, or hit him with a sledgehammer, or use the knife to stab him in the eye…twice.

You get the point…this guy needs to be closed to an asylum as soon as possible!


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